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Project14 Horizontal colorBAR Green.jpg

Back to: Challenge


Extraction of problems and opportunities

Introduction. From my ideas

Conceptual Design that answers on the problems and opportunities

Comprehensive Descirption of the aim of the design


Most important parameters and qualities



There are 4 validators that I know personally that could be relevant to my project so far:

Buurman Stephan - artist

Lex Brands - former director of Kinetic Noord

Kees Diepeveen – alderman/wethouder_RuimtelijkeOrdening_Milieu_Volkshuisvesting&Monumentenzorg_Sport_LandelijkNoord

Coby van Berkum - Jeugdzaken & Onderwijs_Zorg & Armoede (betreft schuldhulpverlening, woonservicewijken, maatschappelijke opvang, diversiteit)_WMO

I've not yet tagged them and not yet spoken with them about the project.

Project14 Horizontal colorBAR Green.jpg

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