project14:16-02-2012 first project

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First Projects


First Idea's of the place

A short introduction. The site has a relative short history in which it has been a shipsmaking factory which moved to its the location in 1919. In 1937 it was the biggest shipyard in the world. In 1984 the NSM was declared bankrupt. After this time the docks have been operated by Shipdock BV who repaired ships in these docks. A lot of big warehouses have been squatted over the years. It has slowly developed in a 'breeding place' for young artists and other small scale workers. In 2001 a lot of them have joined in a foundation named 'Kinetisch Noord'. In one of the warehouses the foundation has develloped the kunststad but as it has become more comercial there have already been artists who left the NDSM.

I see the NDSM as a very dynamic place. In our interview with Björn he also mentioned that the activities at the NDSM are very fluctuative.

Project14 waterways.jpg

Picture taken from the NDSM masterplan 2003

Project14 Horizontal colorBAR Green.jpg

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