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author:Linus Tan || 4202244 || Weblog || Email


Bridging Art and Architecture


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Red Bull Office NDSM Wharf.jpg
Red Bull Office in NDSM Wharf by Sid Lee Architecture

General Description of NDSM Wharf

The general public knows the location thanks to its festivals. In the summertime, they take the ferry for a ten-minute trip over the water to enjoy the Over het IJ Festival, or the technoculture festival, Robodock. The location is eminently suited to such large-scale, outdoor events. There are plans to use the slipway for summer concerts by the legendary rock venue, the Paradiso.

Eight years ago, the local council of North Amsterdam still had no idea regarding the future destiny of the industrial heritage site. A group of artists, theatre people, skaters and architects came up with a plan to make the former dock and shipyard the largest cultural incubator in the Netherlands. A foundation was set up, Kinetisch Noord (‘Kinetic North’), to realise affordable working spaces and workshops in close cooperation with tenants, in the form of basic, unfinished spaces that the tenants can finish themselves. The subsidised spaces are intended for artists and starting entrepreneurs in the creative sector. After a certain amount of time, they must progress to other locations in Amsterdam or to the more expensive and luxurious spaces of developers in the NDSM area itself.

Spread over the different halls and warehouses, the 250 local artists form a nucleus for underground culture. They are active in the fields of visual arts, design, theatre, film, media and architecture. There is an inventor, Eibert Draisma, and craftsmen including coppersmiths and metal workers, but there are also, for example, people like industrial designer Wouter Konings, whose projects have included created retail shelving for Nike.

The NDSM docks will be further developed in the future as an international centre for the creative industries. With the local council, NDSM residents and developers are making plans for the further growth of the area, to promote it more extensively and place it even more firmly on the map as a podium for art, culture and media.

// Taken from Creative Amsterdam, NDSM Docks


NDSM/Kinetisch Noord plans to transform the wharf into a multidisciplinary and experimental working space for the visual arts, while retaining its cultural heritage within the shipdock. Their chosen growth model for the 80,000sqm is a combination of constructing functional and affordable space for international artists while continuously invigorating the area with local cultural activities.

As both entities have a strong presence in their own way, I have chosen to allow both to develop individually, and will investigate and explore the connectivity between both the international arts and the cultural arts.

As work places for the international artists and place setting for the cultural activities are mostly predefined, it is the interstitial spaces and spill areas that allows maximum opportunities for both entities to collide, exchange and collaborate. These areas, which are often overlooked and disregarded, should be explored further and used to enhance the cohesiveness and harmony of the area, inspiring both entities to meet and work together, which will result in an emergence of a single entity of that merges international art and local culture.

Concept Images.jpg Images adapted from Siteless by Francois Blancois

My budding ideas involves strands, straps and bundles, folding and parasitic architecture:

1) Strands and Straps and Bundles allow the build up of physical connection between buildings

2) Folding allows the unveiling of the buildings, exposing their works secretly to others, increasing its allureness

3) Parasitic allows one entity to feed off another, creating a symbiotic between both entities

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