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description of the final design

explanation of the perspective views

Project14 Interieur4 metachtergrond2.jpg

organisational diagrams

-The system, facilities etc. -Types of studios and configigurations

Project14 Studio Types3-01.jpg

plans, sections and elevations

Project14 DoorsnedeAF.jpg

connections to other projects

described/ illustrated

The Ribbon

Project14 Samrendr2RomainvanSam.jpg

Versatile Panels


Architecture Republic

All studios are produced in the architecture republic. Potential buyers can send their preferences directly to the factory. Among the possible variables are: cladding material, diameter, height, number of connection arms, etc.

Inspire me 2 change

use-case scenarios

use-case scenarios

Project14 Pont NDSM komt eraan2.jpg

Project14 Interieur2 metachtergrond.jpg

-current time scenerio- Artist living in the city center: -He takes his bicycle on the ferry and in no time he's logging in at Ondina. -Ondina recognizes him and guides him to the nearest available dock. -His own floating studio is meanwhile floating to the dock as well. -The artist steps aboard and navigates to Storage Island where he collects his materials for his art that he wants to work on. -From Storage Island he sets the board navigator to go to the architects floating studio. The actor with whom they are making a record for a theater show connects a little while later. -At lunchtime they return and make lunch on Kitchen Island. Another artist invites them to come to their newly opened gallery in the city center. They all board another floating studio while their own studios detach from Kitchen Island and go in idle mode. At night one by go to the docking to charge.

Project14 PhotosjopIJburg3.jpg

Project14 Wilhelminadokbla.jpg

-future time scenario- Financial manager living at IJburg. -In the morning the manager and his kids leave his floating house at IJburg and steps directly on the floating studio. -After dropping off his kids he sails further to the NDSM while working on a new finacial case. It takes only half an hour before he arrives at NDSM and directly connects to his company's island park where he has several meetings. -At lunchtime he has a lunchmeeting at Park Island. -In the afternoon he has some free time so he decides to go to Leisure Island to do a painting course. -After the course he sets sail to the city center to have dinner with his wife.

urban strategies

Project14 Connective Collective business model2-01.jpg

additional information

--10 Selling Points:--

-Access to a wide variety of facilities.

-Profit from the community, join colleagues and experts in collaboration projects.

-Direct access to the galleries in the city center.

-Freedom to move to any creative and inspirational site.

-Connect to all waterfronts, other boats, Facility Islands and other Floating Studios.

-Perfect fit, order the Floating Studio to fit your specific desires.

-Upgrades are possible. When your desires change its possible to go back to the factory and upgrade the studio.

-Join in the Floating Web to have direct contacts with the community and be inspired by unexpected influences.

-Be future proof! Do what you want to do and dont let the government decide it for you.

-Be a pioneer in the revolution of town planning!

project diary