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=Save the Skatepark!=
Describe the general idea of the entire project here. It is only a very general description, a teaser for more detailed information contained in sub-pages.
This is not a campaign per say, but a call to show that a fragile ecosystem cannot be disturbed without experiencing consequences. The skatepark and associated activities such as adventure sports in a way create the need for youngsters to visit NDSM and become a part of it. NDSM represents subdued interests, and that is how the artist community started years ago. However, things have changed. It is no more about open doors and a shared social space, but exists as a ghost town through the week. Festivals are what breath life into NDSM. Festivals and the daily influx of youngsters who come to skate, use the space as they like, experience space in a city, experience freedom.
Sed iaculis facilisis metus vel rhoncus. Aliquam luctus dolor quis arcu placerat nec varius lorem gravida. Curabitur eleifend tristique erat non convallis. Mauris in ligula dui. Nunc in lacus vitae turpis placerat iaculis eget ut est. Donec quis eros ante. Donec eget neque mauris, ac molestie ipsum.
Integer vehicula purus ac nisl venenatis accumsan in in neque. Etiam tincidunt lorem lorem. Donec vitae sapien sem. In sit amet nisi velit. Vivamus tincidunt nunc sit amet dolor tincidunt vel congue eros adipiscing. Donec tincidunt est nibh. Nam luctus urna eget leo faucibus pretium. Etiam laoreet, tellus quis blandit euismod, odio felis tempor ante, eget rutrum orci massa nec eros. Pellentesque venenatis metus in felis convallis sed gravida quam scelerisque.  
=special info=
=The Proposal=
here you can place important additional information or latest content.
The proposal calls for the design of an outdoor skate-park, which should be flexible enough to accommodate associated sports such as BMX biking and climbing walls. This dynamic landscape will not consume space but give back to the site through covered parking spaces. The site is close to the headquarters of two media and adventure sports giants – MTV and Redbull, which would sponsor the project for exclusive/shared media rights.  
Curabitur laoreet dapibus dolor, vitae convallis ipsum ultricies nec. Nullam aliquam, lectus quis sagittis feugiat, lectus tellus rhoncus dolor, in tempor ante quam quis ipsum. Nullam blandit accumsan dolor, nec ultrices dolor condimentum sed. Nunc viverra malesuada rutrum. Nam venenatis porttitor congue. Phasellus nibh lectus, mattis nec consequat id, congue non nunc. Donec semper erat ut nibh gravida pellentesque. Aenean eget luctus diam. Fusce viverra congue mi convallis mollis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque rutrum erat in risus varius ut convallis nunc auctor.  
<youtube width="850" height="400">tjG1Vz00Ly8</youtube>
<youtube width="850" height="400">tjG1Vz00Ly8</youtube>
Aliquam ac aliquet nibh. Aenean quis facilisis orci. Nulla et malesuada magna. Praesent a diam et lacus accumsan bibendum vitae at nisi. Nunc blandit nisl ac ante dignissim hendrerit. Vivamus vitae auctor mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent commodo, mauris non faucibus tempus, lorem massa aliquet neque, et suscipit ligula dolor nec neque. Etiam sed sem metus, a egestas ipsum. Curabitur in tortor felis, in condimentum lacus. Nulla sagittis tortor vel dui malesuada nec pretium lorem sodales. Donec porttitor eleifend vehicula. Phasellus non urna vitae ante dignissim interdum. Cras ut mauris purus, sit amet accumsan eros. Donec egestas justo ultricies odio sagittis vehicula.
<!-- don't display page title on the top of the wiki-->__NOTITLE__
<!-- don't display page title on the top of the wiki-->__NOTITLE__

Revision as of 19:04, 14 March 2012

author:Harish Ramakrishnan





Save the Skatepark!

This is not a campaign per say, but a call to show that a fragile ecosystem cannot be disturbed without experiencing consequences. The skatepark and associated activities such as adventure sports in a way create the need for youngsters to visit NDSM and become a part of it. NDSM represents subdued interests, and that is how the artist community started years ago. However, things have changed. It is no more about open doors and a shared social space, but exists as a ghost town through the week. Festivals are what breath life into NDSM. Festivals and the daily influx of youngsters who come to skate, use the space as they like, experience space in a city, experience freedom.

Sample banner.png

The Proposal

The proposal calls for the design of an outdoor skate-park, which should be flexible enough to accommodate associated sports such as BMX biking and climbing walls. This dynamic landscape will not consume space but give back to the site through covered parking spaces. The site is close to the headquarters of two media and adventure sports giants – MTV and Redbull, which would sponsor the project for exclusive/shared media rights.