project01:Design Draft

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Initial Response

Project01 Initial Response.jpg

The Initial Concept:

Dynamic Waters-cape transitions to landscape

The firest reaction to the NDSM site was noticing two important elements:

The limited yet equally important entrances to the site;

the Entrance to NDSM is the transistion from water to land. this unique Experience can be elaborated into the idea of water/land scapes. where informational architecture can create new functions, spaces and interventions.

Idea #1: Reestablishging the docking station; interactive waterscape (docking station)

Idea #2: Informatiion center: ditributing landscape(docking station)

The unique quality of the artistic minicity;

The Artistic Minicity inside the kunststad can be seen as a new form of behavioral architecture. the parasiting and swarming effect of the minicity can been seen as a new and unique way of invigorating the space around it. either embracing its context or (like in the kunststad;) ignoring the surrounding context.

Idea #3: Parasiting Land into the water; transitional architecture (Kunststad)

Idea #4: New Scape of Interactive informational architecture (Open space) [refer to sketch above]

The Combination of Idea #3 + #4 greatly interests me. through the behavioral studies of artists (or humans); or the transitions of different functions, contexts, areas, information. reviving NDSM may not necessary leed of commercialism. but rather living up to its characteristic reputation of festival + Media park.

Design Development #2

Project01 Site Analysis.jpeg Project01 Memory scape2.jpg Memory scape3.jpg Project01 Behavior Rules.jpg

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