project09:Project Validation

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Project Validation

This phase of the design project need to be validated by existing users of the site, possible investors as well as new users of the site and others with vested interests in the site. In conjunction with the same, an architect, a site user and an investor are being selected to validate the project against site interactions and economic viability.


Possible Validators

Mariska Rijnders
Redbull (Possible Investor)
Though it sounds interesting, we are not sure if such investment could be done. Redbull usually doesn't invest in such ventures. We also do not know if a collaboration with MTV would be possible (of course we haven't spoken to MTV regarding any collaboration so far). Though we don't really interact with the people outside or with MTV employees (except maybe during summer lunches in the in-between space), I think it's a non-issue.

Robin De Vries
MTV cartoonist (Present Site User)
The project sounds very interesting. I usually come out for lunch or for a break and all we can do is stare into the open. It can get boring. Though I would not skateboard myself, I'm sure some of my colleagues might! We have not used the skate park inside the Kunstad though. On the whole it would change the space outside into something more dynamic and interesting to watch while I take a break.

Other possible validators

Skatepark Employee/User
MTV marketing team
Frank Alsema, Director, NDSM
Architects/Urban Planners with vested interests in the site

Reference Projects

