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NDSM Wharf

Project01 Site Visit.jpg

The economic crisis has big influences on development; its depressing vibe is not a new phenomenon; this however has taught us that recessions are not only periods of mass firing and budget cuts, but also of creative solutions to existing problems. the innovation and experimentation era has begun.

NDSM is setting a great example during this economic crisis: closed down in 1984 when the shipbuilding industry was no longer profitable, the NDSM area is now one of the most important breeding grounds for artistic pursuits and creative companies (MTV, REDBULL).

With its rugged, industrial style and loads of open space, the NDSM feels worlds away from the historical vibe of Amsterdam’s city center. Because of its size, the wharf has developed into an enduring festival location and an artistic canvas; attracting artists and tourists alike.

This is a site full of character and Identiy; a Site for both urban and cultural Renewal:

for more details: Site visit #1

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NDSM Ecosystem

a Site's Ecosystem falls under many categories; function input/ output; people circulation; sustainability; economy; future expansions etc... but rather than identifying all elements within the NDSM ecosystem, a focus on a few standout categories can be a more efficient process.

Through analysis and experience; the following category seeks immediate attention: Mixing of functions; (physically and socially). geographically NDSM is a large site with limited amount of functions [image 1]. due to this sprawl, functions are isolated from each other causing a very static relationship between functions.

It can be percieved that an area of 400m is considered walking distance; but only areas within 100m can be seen to have an immediate interaction or attraction [image 2]. in this aspect; NDSM fails to engage people further than their initial intent.

The existing condition does not help such cause; with a big split between east (dock, redbull office) and the west (Festical Ramp, Noorderlicht). [image 3] connectivity of the site seem rigid and in grid structure.

further more; the new proposed projects (Hyperbody MSC1 2012) can be seen as a new layer of complexities, or new adaptations; updating the currently existing site conditions. [image 4]. these projects; once implemented will increase the density of NDSM. such density [image 5], eases the distances between functions, but does not completely solve its problem.

Site Positioning this hole in the Ecosystem of NDSM as provided a firm position of my Project site [image 6]. at this position; a transition zone is created, linking all surrounding buildings and context's together. this epicenter can also be functioned with services and supporting functions; as transition spaces doesnt exist without a pair of functions; similarly supporting functions cannot survive without primary functions to service.


new | scape

  • Social behavior: Swarming
  • Dynamic Form/ Structure


  • Parasite Architecture

Further Development + inspiration

Project01 Precedence1.jpg

Base on the initial response; the aim of this project is to create a new XXXscape that provides space, void, skin and flow for informational exchange, informational process. to understand the effects + processes of these new|scapes further understanding and precedence is required:

The benefits of information technology is obvious: 1. supplies mathematical models to investigate geographical, biological, physical and chemical complexities. 2. supplies decisive weapons for the real construction of projects concieved with this complex "all digital logic". 3. it endows architecture with reactive systems capable of simulating types of behaviour in nature. reacting to nature, climate, use-age flow and emotional behavior "interactivity" 4. in the Information age (IT): 24 hours a day of transition and flow. with this in mind; 5 forms of informational new scapes / architecture exists currently:

Layering|scape: new levels of complexity.

Techniques of mapping, layering, scaling superposition and intersections (in a multy plane composition)

  • Precendence: Parc De La Villette (Tschumi; & OMA)

In between|scape: the space of event.

Space that opposes rigid polarity of oppositions; the place of mutations and the unraveling of confines; a place of value and of "event"

  • Precedence: New Jewish Museum (libeskind)

Folding|scape: manipulation of surface and landscape

continuity of surface (exterior to interior) forming 3D Topography; vectorial Geometry

  • Precedence: Port Terminal; Yokohama (Foreign Office Architects)

Eco|scape: cause and effect of being within an ecosystem.

Eco-organised relationships with cultural, social, economic, political and the natural environment. ecosymbolic; using quantifiable forces.

  • Precedence: Data town, Km3 (MVRDV), liquid architecture (Nonchi Wang)

Hypermedia|scape: creation of new interfaces to evoke direct and indirect senses.

the Search for an interaction between architecture and users through propagation of information flows. promoting: interactivity, Connectivity, Multi-mediality, virtuality; creating:new dialogic and multisensorial dimensions.

  • Precedence: Sendai mediatheque (Toyo Ito)

source: P.Gregory, New|Scapes: territories of Complexity,Brikhauser,2003

What they all seem to have in common is the notion of fluidity; and the underlining concept of genetic Memory

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