project02:Concept functionality

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Functions & Parameters

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The functions in this project are all key functions needed at NDSM. They are defined with three key ideas in mind.

1. Turning NDSM inside out. Let's see what is happening at NDSM. Let's tear down the brick walls and show Amsterdam and the world what is happening at this remarkable and special site. By creating exhibition and music space, people will know what is happening at NDSM and by seeing and interacting with art, music and the site, people will become a part of it.

2. Destination NDSM. Let's give people a reason to visit NDSM. For no longer will NDSM be just the place people go through and go to work. NDSM will become the destination for people. By creating exhibition space, a bar and music space, people will actually have a reason to go to NDSM. The park will provide an incentive for people working or living at NDSM to not eat their lunch at their desks or studios but to go outside and experience the site. Let's make people come out of their shell and give them a reason to come outside, experience the activities at NDSM and appreciate the area.

3. Network plaza. The project will be the central place where everyone who has a relation with NDSM will come together and have the possibility to mingle. By creating conference space and a bar/lunch space, corporates and designers with money will visit the project. It gives people the option to hire out a venue for meetings, workshops and presentations, spaces that are not always available within their own buildings. The bar/lunch room will be the place for after work drinks and NDSM network drinks.

This was a general introduction to the functions. Below you will find more elaborate descriptions on the functions and parameters attached to the functions

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Exhibition space

This is a very important place as it is the key place for artists to display their works of art. It works like this: you hire the venue or a part of the venue and then you get the right to sell or just display your works inside. The venue is completely public which means everyone can enter to have a look around. The entrance will be open and the art will be visible from the outside. One can and is even encouraged to join together with other artists and hire the space together to make it more affordable and feasible. This is also to promote interaction between artists. The added value of this space is that there is currently no exhibition space at NDSM while there is demand for it. It's the perfect way to turn NDSM inside out and show what is happening inside its bowels.

Music and theatre space

This will be an intimate space where bands, quires and other musicians can practice. It has a large opening to make outdoor gigs and theatre performances possible in the summer time. It also has a small stand (with slanted floor underneath) for very intimate performances. During festivals the bubble will be opened and small outdoor gigs with dj's or bands will take place. Acoustics are very important in this bubble.

Conference space

This is created to attract a corporate crowd to the project. This bubble will be the perfect venue for high profile meetings and presentations, workshops and seminars. Architects and graphic designers at the Kunststad can hire it out for their presentations to their clients and even artists can meet up with their clients here. Students can hire it for their graduation presentations and small conferences can be held here. It will also be the new headquarters of NetworkLAB.

Bar/lunch room

This is a very important element in the design. It provides a place for people from different backgrounds and different communities at NDSM to mingle in an informal way. People can have enjoy a cheap lunch here and grab some after-work drinks. People who are just visiting for the exhibtions can chill out here and just grab a drink to discuss the art they've been watching and maybe meet the artist who is on his break and also grabbing a beer. The bar can be rented out as a venue for corporate drinks and other functions. NDSM networking drinks can be held here where people related to the NDSM site will meet and exchange ideas. A student night will be held so people living in the area can enjoy themselves close to their homes and predrink before taking the boat to a club in the city.

The Park

The park is where it all comes together. A green leisure area that provides an incentive for people to go outside and experience the project. Green space is missing at NDSM. People who are passing by see a desolate concrete and brick area and have no reason to go check it out - it's scary and empty. The people working at NDSM hardly go outside. They smoke outside and walk to the ferry outside and that's it. It's understandable, there's no reason to go outside because it's just not a very pretty place. But when you can sit in the grass, have your lunch under a tree outside, it becomes a different story. The park is the outside network plaza. It's the place where students, working people and artists go when the weather is nice to sit and relax, kick a ball around and lie in the sun. It provides interaction and creates a link between the people and the site. A reason to visit and stay.


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