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Project01 Site Visit.jpg

Upon arrival to amsterdam centraal; a convient short walk takes you outside to the ‘gratis’ Ferry. this ferry has a direct route every 15 mins to the NDS werf. This short 10 min cruise can be seen as the beginning of the [NDSM Experience].

The unique aspect to the site is the controlled number of entrances. its current function “festive event space’ serves to utilise such features. the collection and Dispersion of people can be seen to evoke interaction and new interventions.

once you arrive at NDSM werf; you see a small red docking station; its scale and colour evokes an intricate art piece more so than an functional docking station. its position is located at the turning point of hte major car access way on the site. upon arrival [Choice] is provided.

The Texture of the Site Evokes both abandoned emptyness and artistic renewal. warehouses, containers, railways tracks and large mechanical machines all represent the past, the history, that what use to be , the value and the sources of inspiration. the graffiti, building extensions, colour and programmatic reuse of the warehouse / containers all represent the [New elements] of the present NDSM.

This is a site full of character and Identiy; a Site for both urban and cultural Renewal: for more details: Site visit #1

Initial Response

Project01 Initial Response.jpg

The Initial Concept: Dynamic Waters-cape transitions to landscape

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