project09:Prototyping Phase

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The system has two parts to it. Its external network. Its internal structure.

External Network

The network connections to the outside shows a comprehensive list of what the project depends on, and what values makes the project dependable in this newly constructed ecosystem. The links show how well it fits into the existing or the new ecosystem, not dependant on any other project critically. Rather, the skate-park would add value to the site through revenue, recognition and more site users. The diagram shows an win-win situation with each of the parties with vested interests in the project getting direct gain.
Project9 - concept - prototype proposal.jpg

Internal Structure

The internal structure is an analogy to evolutionary biology based on response to stimuli. Stimuli tend to initiate the need for a response which goes through a recursive loop to adapt in real-time and respond appropriately. This section will be elaborated in the project phase.
Project9 system design 1.jpg

External Network

The project shares the site with Project08 and will be part of the park proposed by Project02. The design aims to integrate seamlessly with the projects it connects physically to. With Project02, the design shares the concept of change on demand, and respond to stimuli.