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Site Map: [[project01:Frontpage|Home]] || [[User:Max|Wen Tao Bi]]
Site Map: [[project01:Frontpage|Home]] || [[User:Max|Wen Tao Bi]]
=Site Visit #1=  
=NDSM Wharf=  
[[File:Project01 Site Visit.jpg| 850px]]
[[File:Project01 Site Visit.jpg| 850px]]
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Upon arrival to amsterdam centraal; a convient short walk takes you outside to the ‘gratis’ Ferry.  this ferry has a direct route every 15 mins to the NDS werf. This short 10 min cruise can be seen as the beginning of the [NDSM Experience].
The economic crisis has big influences on development; its depressing vibe is not a new phenomenon; this however has taught us that recessions are not only periods of mass firing and budget cuts, but also of creative solutions to existing problems. the innovation and experimentation era has begun.
The unique aspect to the site is the controlled number of entrances. its current function “festive event space’ serves to utilise such features. the collection and Dispersion of people can be seen to evoke interaction and new interventions.  
NDSM is setting a great example during this economic crisis: closed down in 1984 when the shipbuilding industry was no longer profitable, the NDSM area is now one of the most important breeding grounds for artistic pursuits and creative companies (MTV, REDBULL).
once you arrive at NDSM werf; you see a small red docking station; its scale and colour evokes an intricate art piece more so than an functional docking station. its position is located at the turning point of hte major car access way on the site. upon arrival [Choice] is provided.  
With its rugged, industrial style and loads of open space, the NDSM feels worlds away from the historical vibe of Amsterdam’s city center. Because of its size, the wharf has developed into an enduring festival location and an artistic canvas; attracting artists and tourists alike.
The Texture of the Site Evokes both abandoned emptyness and artistic renewal. warehouses, containers, railways tracks and large mechanical machines all represent the past, the history, that what use to be , the value and the sources of inspiration. the graffiti, building extensions, colour and programmatic reuse of the warehouse  / containers all represent the [New elements] of the present NDSM.
This is a site full of character and Identity; 3 special conditions stand out
This is a site full of character and Identiy; a Site for both urban and cultural Renewal:
condition #1: It is a large site
condition #2: Limited Functions
condition #3 Constantly Changing functions + events
for more details: [[project01:Site Visit #1|'''Site visit #1''']]
for more details: [[project01:Site Visit #1|'''Site visit #1''']]
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=Initial Response=  
=NDSM Ecosystem=
[[File:Project01 Initial Response.jpg| 850px]]
[[File:Project01_Eco.jpg| 850px]]
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a Site's Ecosystem falls under many categories; function input/ output; people circulation; sustainability; economy; future expansions etc... but rather than identifying all elements within the NDSM ecosystem, a focus on a few standout categories can be a more efficient process.
'''The Initial Concept:'''
Through analysis and experience; the following category seeks immediate attention: Mixing of functions; (physically and socially). geographically NDSM is a large site with limited amount of functions [image 1]. due to this sprawl, functions are isolated from each other causing a very static relationship between functions.
Dynamic Waters-cape transitions to landscape
It can be percieved that an area of 400m is considered walking distance; but only areas within 100m can be seen to have an immediate interaction or attraction [image 2]. in this aspect; NDSM fails to engage people further than their initial intent.
The firest reaction to the NDSM site was noticing two important elements:
The existing condition does not help such cause; with a big split between east (dock, redbull office) and the west (Festical Ramp, Noorderlicht). [image 3] connectivity of the site seem rigid and in grid structure.
'''The limited yet equally important entrances to the site;'''
further more; the new proposed projects (Hyperbody MSC1 2012) can be seen as a new layer of complexities, or new adaptations; updating the currently existing site conditions. [image 4]. these projects; once implemented will increase the density of NDSM. such density [image 5], eases the distances between functions, but does not completely solve its problem.
the Entrance to NDSM is the transistion from water to land. this unique Experience can be elaborated into the idea of water/land scapes. where informational architecture can create new functions, spaces and interventions.  
Site Positioning
this hole in the Ecosystem of NDSM as provided a firm position of my Project site [image 6]. at this position; a transition zone is created, linking all surrounding buildings and context's together. this epicenter can also be functioned with services and supporting functions; as transition spaces doesnt exist without a pair of functions; similarly supporting functions cannot survive without primary functions to service.
'''Idea #1:''' Reestablishging the docking station; interactive waterscape (docking station)
For Image diagrams click here: [[project01:Ecosystem Images|'''Images''']]
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'''Idea #2:''' Informatiion center: ditributing landscape(docking station)
'''The unique quality of the artistic minicity;'''
=New Social Intervention=
The Artistic Minicity inside the kunststad can be seen as a new form of behavioral architecture. the parasiting and swarming effect of the minicity can been seen as a new and unique way of invigorating the space around it. either embracing its context or (like in the kunststad;) ignoring the surrounding context. 
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'''Idea #3:''' Parasiting Land into the water; transitional architecture (Kunststad)
'''NDSM social community:'''
'''Idea #4:''' New Scape of Interactive informational architecture (Open space) [refer to sketch above]
NDSM's Isolation creates its most difficult condition, the isolation hence, limited activation of the site. by passers directly walk along the entry access to the docks, selective workers and artists enter the site by themselves, work independently and leave. the NDSM social community are not united.
The Combination of Idea #3 + #4 greatly interests me. through the behavioral studies of artists (or humans); or the transitions of different functions, contexts, areas, information. reviving NDSM may not necessary leed of commercialism. but rather living up to its characteristic reputation of festival + Media park.
How can we collectively unite NDSM? making the community of NDSM stronger and more active?
'''Database of People:'''
Facebook social netowrk comes in the form of Database of People; its ability to use a large database of users as a commercial and experimental platform can be seen as an successful model to follow. so what if we collected the people, from all functions into one space? what if this collection of people can provide the inputs and outputs of itself, its surrounding context and NDSM?
'''Possible Qualities:'''
Adaptive to new social interventions
Experimental + Interactive Environments
Input+Output; Real time feedback
new assembly and manufacturing Systems (reference to Project 16)
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=Further Development + inspiration=
[[File:Project01 Site image.jpg| 850px]]
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there are three main axis of movement into the region around the site [image 1]. these axial movements are critial in connecting with the NDSM ecosystem entry and exit ports. the link to the dock can be seen as the most obvious connection; although too far away for physical connection; an axial connection can be established.
Other than people transition other critical issues needs to be addressed; these issues seemly can reinforce the creation of transition and transition spaces:
Pedestrian flow can be seen as a major aspect within the site; currently the site is used for carparking, which allows alot of public flow in towards NDSM; similarly the addition of functions around the site [image 2] will create new flows, between private , selected and public categories. this site's potential to mix these types of people can create new social inteventions, allowing a more open and more transparent NDSM [Image 3].
NDSM has a lack of secondary functions, supporting utilities and basic infrastructure; services and supporting functions can be seen as a program used to help glue a community together; the need of toilets, shops, carparks, workshops, storage can be seen vitally important. creating sense of convience
Similarly Temporarilty seems to be a major characteristic within NDSM. the functions seem to have a temporary nature; coming and going within days, weeks, months even years. the festivals, artistic studios, offices, exhibition spaces, parks, workshops, all have temporary and rather unfixed time schedules; making NDSM and the site an adaptive machine.
Design Focus#1: Transition Space
Design Focus#2: lack of supporting utilities.
Design Focus#3:Temporary change
For Image diagrams click here: [[project01:Site Images|'''Images''']]
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= Temporariness in NDSM=
[[File:Project01 temporariness.jpg| 850px]]
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Temporariness is a major theme in NDSM; the site's context changes constantly through an variety of scales;
From the people flow off the ferry; every 30mins (Bikes, cars, ferry circulation flow)
From Opening hours of the site; every 24hours (Noorderlicht, Hema, cafe, Offices, Art studios)
From Extra activities embedded to the site; every week(end)(markets, workshops, exhibitions)
From Festivals and special seasonal events; every season (Major events, summer cinema, outdoor markets)
From the constant change and development of the site; every year (New media center, MTV, REDBULL,abandoned warehouses)
NDSM is always changing in its approach; its context and its conditions.
'''How does architecture interact and adapt to these forever changing conditions?'''
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=Issues + Problems=
[[File:Project01 Issues.jpg| 850px]]
=Aims + Objectives=
[[File:Project01 Stigmergic.jpg| 850px]]
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'''Aims & Objectives'''
The Aim of the project is: To create an adaptive scape / complex to react and reinforce the surrounding conditions.
To create '''connectivity''' between functions in multiple layers:
through people flow: allowing the wondering of explorations onto the site;
through functional support: allowing services and utility functions to reinforce the feasibility of the new programs.
through time: allowing the old and new to be remembered and re-embedded into the fabrics of the NDSM.
The main aspect of the architectural intervention is the adaptation process that allows these four layers of connectivity to occur. for this process to succeed, the adaptation must be self-organised and more than just reactive to the environment.
for this; i use the idea of '''stigmergic Systems'''
What is Stigmergic Systems?
"The term "stigmergy" was introduced by French biologist Pierre-Paul Grassé in 1959 to refer to termite behavior. He defined it as: "Stimulation of workers by the performance they have achieved."
'''"Stigmergy is a mechanism of indirect coordination between agents or actions. The principle is that the trace left in the environment by an action stimulates the performance of a next action, by the same or a different agent. In that way, subsequent actions tend to reinforce and build on each other, leading to the spontaneous emergence of coherent, apparently systematic activity.'''
'''Stigmergy is a form of self-organization. It produces complex, seemingly intelligent structures, without need for any planning, control, or even direct communication between the agents. As such it supports efficient collaboration between extremely simple agents, who lack any memory, intelligence or even individual awareness of each other.(WikiPedia)"'''
In a way Stigmergic System is a self organisational emergent process; constantly updating and reinforcing itself. 
For a responsive system: environment 1 <changes> environment 2 (when environment 1 changes; the process loops)
For a Stigmergic System: environment 1 <changes> environment 2 (When Environment 1 changes; environment 2 + <change>)
'''Inputs & Outputs'''
Input: environmental change: Opening Hours, People flow, financial benefits.
Output: efficient positioning of supporting functions, new people flow, connectivity.
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[[File:Project01 Connections.jpg| 850px]]
'''PhotoTags: Tagging your story.'''
''Project 01 connected projects'' (physical + Axial)
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''Tags Related to Project 01: unique objects/people/events/''
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<youtube width="850" height="400">AdpQ6azxPP0</youtube>
new | scape
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<youtube width="416" height="250">ld07xdqnytk</youtube>
*Social behavior: Swarming
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<youtube width="416" height="250">sXm15wZCT0Q</youtube>
*Dynamic Form/ Structure
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<youtube width="416" height="250">a-NRdyUx8Lc</youtube>
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<youtube width="416" height="250">f6sg4rFl48Q</youtube>
*Parasite Architecture
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=Research on Scapes=
[[File:Project01 Precedence1.jpg| 850px]]
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Base on the initial response; the aim of this project is to create a new XXXscape that provides space, void, skin and flow for informational exchange, informational process. to understand the effects + processes of these new|scapes further understanding and precedence is required:
Base on the initial response; the aim of this project is to create a new XXXscape that provides space, void, skin and flow for informational exchange, informational process. to understand the effects + processes of these new|scapes further understanding and precedence is required:
There are 5 forms of informational new scapes:
The benefits of information technology is obvious:
1. supplies mathematical models to investigate geographical, biological, physical and chemical complexities.
2. supplies decisive weapons for the real construction of projects concieved with this complex "all digital logic".
3. it endows architecture with reactive systems capable of simulating types of behaviour in nature. reacting to nature, climate, use-age flow and emotional behavior "interactivity"
4. in the Information age (IT): 24 hours a day of transition and flow.
with this in mind; 5 forms of informational new scapes / architecture exists currently:
'''Layering: new levels of complexity.'''     
'''Layering|scape: new levels of complexity.'''     
Techniques of mapping, layering, scaling superposition and intersections (in a multy plane composition)
Techniques of mapping, layering, scaling superposition and intersections (in a multy plane composition)
  Precendence: Parc De La Villette (Tschumi; & OMA)  
*Precendence: Parc De La Villette (Tschumi; & OMA)  
'''In between: the space of event.'''
'''In between|scape: the space of event.'''
Space that opposes rigid polarity of oppositions; the place of mutations and the unraveling of confines; a place of value and of "event"     
Space that opposes rigid polarity of oppositions; the place of mutations and the unraveling of confines; a place of value and of "event"     
  Precedence: New Jewish Museum (libeskind)  
*Precedence: New Jewish Museum (libeskind)  
'''Folding: manipulation of surface and landscape'''
'''Folding|scape: manipulation of surface and landscape'''
continuity of surface (exterior to interior) forming 3D Topography; vectorial Geometry
continuity of surface (exterior to interior) forming 3D Topography; vectorial Geometry
  Precedence: Port Terminal; Yokohama (Foreign Office Architects)
*Precedence: Port Terminal; Yokohama (Foreign Office Architects)
'''eco-scape: cause and effect of being within an ecosystem.'''  
'''Eco|scape: cause and effect of being within an ecosystem.'''  
Eco-organised relationships with cultural, social, economic, political and the natural environment. ecosymbolic; using quantifiable forces.
Eco-organised relationships with cultural, social, economic, political and the natural environment. ecosymbolic; using quantifiable forces.
  Precedence: Data town, Km3 (MVRDV), liquid architecture (Nonchi Wang)
*Precedence: Data town, Km3 (MVRDV), liquid architecture (Nonchi Wang)
'''Hypermedia|scape: creation of new interfaces to evoke direct and indirect senses.'''
'''Hypermedia|scape: creation of new interfaces to evoke direct and indirect senses.'''
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promoting: interactivity, Connectivity, Multi-mediality, virtuality; creating:new dialogic and multisensorial dimensions.  
promoting: interactivity, Connectivity, Multi-mediality, virtuality; creating:new dialogic and multisensorial dimensions.  
  Precedence: Sendai mediatheque (Toyo Ito)
*Precedence: Sendai mediatheque (Toyo Ito)
source: P.Gregory, New|Scapes: territories of Complexity,Brikhauser,2003
What they all seem to have in common is the notion of '''fluidity'''; and the underlining concept of '''genetic Memory'''
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=Final Proposal=
Modular Sketches : Container modules
[[File:Modular Sketch.jpg|425px]]
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[[File:TOP WINTER.png|200px]]
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=Business Strategy=
[[file: P01 Business strategy.jpg | 850px]]
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'''Possible Benefactors + investors:'''
Artists (David Finato; Photographer)
Offices (red bull; Company)
Small Business Shop Owners (Noordlidct; Cafe)
Event Organisers (Miss Mandy; Festival Event Organiser)
Network Lab (Alexander Zeh; Network lab)
NDSM Director (Frank Alsema)
Engineering /Research Groups (RDM collaboration?)
By Passers (Public)
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Latest revision as of 01:46, 19 March 2012

Site Map: Home || Wen Tao Bi


NDSM Wharf

Project01 Site Visit.jpg

The economic crisis has big influences on development; its depressing vibe is not a new phenomenon; this however has taught us that recessions are not only periods of mass firing and budget cuts, but also of creative solutions to existing problems. the innovation and experimentation era has begun.

NDSM is setting a great example during this economic crisis: closed down in 1984 when the shipbuilding industry was no longer profitable, the NDSM area is now one of the most important breeding grounds for artistic pursuits and creative companies (MTV, REDBULL).

With its rugged, industrial style and loads of open space, the NDSM feels worlds away from the historical vibe of Amsterdam’s city center. Because of its size, the wharf has developed into an enduring festival location and an artistic canvas; attracting artists and tourists alike.

This is a site full of character and Identity; 3 special conditions stand out

condition #1: It is a large site

condition #2: Limited Functions

condition #3 Constantly Changing functions + events

for more details: Site visit #1

Project01 Site Visit2.jpg Project01 Site Visit3.jpg Project01 Site Visit7.jpg

NDSM Ecosystem

Project01 Eco.jpg

a Site's Ecosystem falls under many categories; function input/ output; people circulation; sustainability; economy; future expansions etc... but rather than identifying all elements within the NDSM ecosystem, a focus on a few standout categories can be a more efficient process.

Through analysis and experience; the following category seeks immediate attention: Mixing of functions; (physically and socially). geographically NDSM is a large site with limited amount of functions [image 1]. due to this sprawl, functions are isolated from each other causing a very static relationship between functions.

It can be percieved that an area of 400m is considered walking distance; but only areas within 100m can be seen to have an immediate interaction or attraction [image 2]. in this aspect; NDSM fails to engage people further than their initial intent.

The existing condition does not help such cause; with a big split between east (dock, redbull office) and the west (Festical Ramp, Noorderlicht). [image 3] connectivity of the site seem rigid and in grid structure.

further more; the new proposed projects (Hyperbody MSC1 2012) can be seen as a new layer of complexities, or new adaptations; updating the currently existing site conditions. [image 4]. these projects; once implemented will increase the density of NDSM. such density [image 5], eases the distances between functions, but does not completely solve its problem.

Site Positioning this hole in the Ecosystem of NDSM as provided a firm position of my Project site [image 6]. at this position; a transition zone is created, linking all surrounding buildings and context's together. this epicenter can also be functioned with services and supporting functions; as transition spaces doesnt exist without a pair of functions; similarly supporting functions cannot survive without primary functions to service.

For Image diagrams click here: Images

New Social Intervention

NDSM social community:

NDSM's Isolation creates its most difficult condition, the isolation hence, limited activation of the site. by passers directly walk along the entry access to the docks, selective workers and artists enter the site by themselves, work independently and leave. the NDSM social community are not united.

How can we collectively unite NDSM? making the community of NDSM stronger and more active?

Database of People:

Facebook social netowrk comes in the form of Database of People; its ability to use a large database of users as a commercial and experimental platform can be seen as an successful model to follow. so what if we collected the people, from all functions into one space? what if this collection of people can provide the inputs and outputs of itself, its surrounding context and NDSM?

Possible Qualities:

Adaptive to new social interventions

Experimental + Interactive Environments

Input+Output; Real time feedback

new assembly and manufacturing Systems (reference to Project 16)


Project01 Site image.jpg

there are three main axis of movement into the region around the site [image 1]. these axial movements are critial in connecting with the NDSM ecosystem entry and exit ports. the link to the dock can be seen as the most obvious connection; although too far away for physical connection; an axial connection can be established.

Other than people transition other critical issues needs to be addressed; these issues seemly can reinforce the creation of transition and transition spaces:

Pedestrian flow can be seen as a major aspect within the site; currently the site is used for carparking, which allows alot of public flow in towards NDSM; similarly the addition of functions around the site [image 2] will create new flows, between private , selected and public categories. this site's potential to mix these types of people can create new social inteventions, allowing a more open and more transparent NDSM [Image 3].

NDSM has a lack of secondary functions, supporting utilities and basic infrastructure; services and supporting functions can be seen as a program used to help glue a community together; the need of toilets, shops, carparks, workshops, storage can be seen vitally important. creating sense of convience

Similarly Temporarilty seems to be a major characteristic within NDSM. the functions seem to have a temporary nature; coming and going within days, weeks, months even years. the festivals, artistic studios, offices, exhibition spaces, parks, workshops, all have temporary and rather unfixed time schedules; making NDSM and the site an adaptive machine.

Design Focus#1: Transition Space

Design Focus#2: lack of supporting utilities.

Design Focus#3:Temporary change

For Image diagrams click here: Images

Temporariness in NDSM

Project01 temporariness.jpg

Temporariness is a major theme in NDSM; the site's context changes constantly through an variety of scales;

From the people flow off the ferry; every 30mins (Bikes, cars, ferry circulation flow)

From Opening hours of the site; every 24hours (Noorderlicht, Hema, cafe, Offices, Art studios)

From Extra activities embedded to the site; every week(end)(markets, workshops, exhibitions)

From Festivals and special seasonal events; every season (Major events, summer cinema, outdoor markets)

From the constant change and development of the site; every year (New media center, MTV, REDBULL,abandoned warehouses)

NDSM is always changing in its approach; its context and its conditions.

How does architecture interact and adapt to these forever changing conditions?

Issues + Problems

Project01 Issues.jpg

Aims + Objectives

Project01 Stigmergic.jpg

Aims & Objectives

The Aim of the project is: To create an adaptive scape / complex to react and reinforce the surrounding conditions.

To create connectivity between functions in multiple layers:

through people flow: allowing the wondering of explorations onto the site;

through functional support: allowing services and utility functions to reinforce the feasibility of the new programs.

through time: allowing the old and new to be remembered and re-embedded into the fabrics of the NDSM.


The main aspect of the architectural intervention is the adaptation process that allows these four layers of connectivity to occur. for this process to succeed, the adaptation must be self-organised and more than just reactive to the environment.

for this; i use the idea of stigmergic Systems

What is Stigmergic Systems?

"The term "stigmergy" was introduced by French biologist Pierre-Paul Grassé in 1959 to refer to termite behavior. He defined it as: "Stimulation of workers by the performance they have achieved."

"Stigmergy is a mechanism of indirect coordination between agents or actions. The principle is that the trace left in the environment by an action stimulates the performance of a next action, by the same or a different agent. In that way, subsequent actions tend to reinforce and build on each other, leading to the spontaneous emergence of coherent, apparently systematic activity.

Stigmergy is a form of self-organization. It produces complex, seemingly intelligent structures, without need for any planning, control, or even direct communication between the agents. As such it supports efficient collaboration between extremely simple agents, who lack any memory, intelligence or even individual awareness of each other.(WikiPedia)"

In a way Stigmergic System is a self organisational emergent process; constantly updating and reinforcing itself.

For a responsive system: environment 1 <changes> environment 2 (when environment 1 changes; the process loops)

For a Stigmergic System: environment 1 <changes> environment 2 (When Environment 1 changes; environment 2 + <change>)

Inputs & Outputs

Input: environmental change: Opening Hours, People flow, financial benefits.

Output: efficient positioning of supporting functions, new people flow, connectivity.


Project01 Connections.jpg


PhotoTags: Tagging your story.
Project 01 connected projects (physical + Axial)

Tags Related to Project 01: unique objects/people/events/


new | scape

  • Social behavior: Swarming
  • Dynamic Form/ Structure


  • Parasite Architecture

Research on Scapes

Project01 Precedence1.jpg

Base on the initial response; the aim of this project is to create a new XXXscape that provides space, void, skin and flow for informational exchange, informational process. to understand the effects + processes of these new|scapes further understanding and precedence is required:

The benefits of information technology is obvious: 1. supplies mathematical models to investigate geographical, biological, physical and chemical complexities. 2. supplies decisive weapons for the real construction of projects concieved with this complex "all digital logic". 3. it endows architecture with reactive systems capable of simulating types of behaviour in nature. reacting to nature, climate, use-age flow and emotional behavior "interactivity" 4. in the Information age (IT): 24 hours a day of transition and flow. with this in mind; 5 forms of informational new scapes / architecture exists currently:

Layering|scape: new levels of complexity.

Techniques of mapping, layering, scaling superposition and intersections (in a multy plane composition)

  • Precendence: Parc De La Villette (Tschumi; & OMA)

In between|scape: the space of event.

Space that opposes rigid polarity of oppositions; the place of mutations and the unraveling of confines; a place of value and of "event"

  • Precedence: New Jewish Museum (libeskind)

Folding|scape: manipulation of surface and landscape

continuity of surface (exterior to interior) forming 3D Topography; vectorial Geometry

  • Precedence: Port Terminal; Yokohama (Foreign Office Architects)

Eco|scape: cause and effect of being within an ecosystem.

Eco-organised relationships with cultural, social, economic, political and the natural environment. ecosymbolic; using quantifiable forces.

  • Precedence: Data town, Km3 (MVRDV), liquid architecture (Nonchi Wang)

Hypermedia|scape: creation of new interfaces to evoke direct and indirect senses.

the Search for an interaction between architecture and users through propagation of information flows. promoting: interactivity, Connectivity, Multi-mediality, virtuality; creating:new dialogic and multisensorial dimensions.

  • Precedence: Sendai mediatheque (Toyo Ito)

source: P.Gregory, New|Scapes: territories of Complexity,Brikhauser,2003

What they all seem to have in common is the notion of fluidity; and the underlining concept of genetic Memory

Final Proposal

Modular Sketches : Container modules

Modular Sketch.jpg


Project01 Summer top.png Project01 Summer 1.png Summer 3.png Perspective summer 2.png


TOP WINTER.png Project01 Winter 1.png Winter 3.png Perspective winter.png


Project01 Festival top.png Festival1.png Festival 2.png Detail shot 4.png

Business Strategy

P01 Business strategy.jpg


Possible Benefactors + investors:

Artists (David Finato; Photographer)

Offices (red bull; Company)

Small Business Shop Owners (Noordlidct; Cafe)

Event Organisers (Miss Mandy; Festival Event Organiser)

Network Lab (Alexander Zeh; Network lab)

NDSM Director (Frank Alsema)

Engineering /Research Groups (RDM collaboration?)

By Passers (Public)