project01:Image Text

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Max (Talk | contribs)

Latest revision as of 02:49, 2 July 2012

Concept Image

If we consider ‘Context’ as a changing element; how does architecture respond to this changes? Will architecture have any permanence?

Ever since Colin Rowe mented contextualism in architectural history; context has been considered a static design factor. a constant; this is infact false. for architects to be true or as colin rowe describes with good intentions context must be considered as a ever changing factor.

Robotic Arm


Through the use of xyz coordinates; a Robotic arm can transport objects; from a certain position via designed and calculated vectorial movements.

The potential of a temporary system can be realised through transportation and movement of objects; the most basic need for any interactive element.

Construction‘’‘ Robotic arms have long been made for assembly and production; ever since the industrial revolution.

Connections and assembly are unavoidable in any architecture. However simple robust connections can be used to ensure structural and functional integrity and stability.

manipulation Robotic arm is often linked to human arm; what the human arm can do; a robotic arm can imitate. Keeping this in mind. The manipulation toolsets of the robotic arms can be seen as a vital benefactor in urban re configuration.

The hand is to the physical model is what the robotic arm is to urban architecture.

Weaving Weaving has been an acient techology passed on from generation to generation; its adaptative materialization qualties creates potential for the re-configuration of shelter; a primary role of architecture.

Can Robotic weave its own architecture? its own shelter, wall, form?

Project To create organomercurial interactive architecture; the essential properties of the robotic arms are needed.

What happens when we scale up these technological toolsets onto urban scale?

This project will show you how: Architecture will never be the same...


1. Media Trivia night Currently underconstruction; (scheduled: completion: 17:00) The site is designed to cater for media lab’s presentation night event. where additional gallery; catering services; amenities; media boxes are required.

2. Red Bull Explore Center Occupied; (scheduled: Service end: 16:30) Pre-Ordered by the Red bull office, for experimenting with new products; advertising and user coordinated events. extra function spaces required include: expore units; catering services; food stores; storage units.

3. Rent me Service Occupied; (scheduled: Service end: 16:30,18:00, 19,00; 22:00, 00:00) Pre-Ordered or on the spot order; individual units catering for individual needs; from sleeping boxes; kitchens; to gaming centers; individual daycare facilities.

4. Gallery Opening Long Term Occupied; (scheduled: Service end: 30 Nov 2012 00:00) Additional Gallery Pods and Amenities provided for the new opening of the “Picasso Jr.” exhibition; partialy designed to exhibit and promote the event to bypassers; partically to bridge cater for the large numbers of expected guests.

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